Padron Cigars frequently
come in smaller boxes and I have re-purposed several of them for pen
storage. They are very well made and do not need any exterior work
other than getting Surgeon General Warning stickers off, etc. The
interiors are interesting to work with. I have made single and
double decker arrangements.
Padron Family Reserve Double Decker - SOLD Padron Delicias - one available I can get this style box fairly often, so if you are interested in either a single or double-decker version, email me. |
Here's a little
double-decker with a slightly different arrangement. It has a
removable tray in the top that has individual green felt-lined
compartments for five pens. Removing the tray, using its
ribbon lifts, reveals a lower compartment about 3/4" deep
that can be used for storage of cartridges, syringes for refilling
cartridges, spare converters, or other pen paraphernalia. At the
request of the buyer, I added dividers in the bottom compartment to convert this to a ten pen
This little Padron Family Reserve box is only 7" x 5" x 2". |
Here's the single decker version of the same box. As shown, it will hold six pens. You can see a MB 149 and some other large pens are nicely accomodated. | |
The Padron
Delicias is made similarly to the box above, but is much
wider. it measures 9 3/4" x 5 3/4" x 1 1/2" and can
hold 6 pens of up to 9" long.
COST: $15 plus shipping |