NOTICE In order to make it easier for you to find boxes that are currently available, I have created a blog that is searchable by brand name, price, etc., and will keep it up to date with new boxes, boxes that have been sold, customer pictures, etc. Please CLICK HERE to go to that blog. I enjoy re-purposing cigar boxes into fountain pen storage. Many of my boxes are wooden with "brass" hinges and latches, but some are wood core with paper covering and a few are metal. In some cases the boxes have had cigar trays suitable for use as pen trays, in other cases I have used "corrugated" flocked sheet that can be cut to fit the box, while in still others I have made dividers from a variety of materials. Each box presents a new challenge and no two are alike. All of the pens in my collection are stored in such boxes, but others that I have made are available for sale. The boxes are presented by brand of cigar that they once contained. If you are interested in any box(es), please email me. |