Hello, my name is John Hubbard. I started this site in July, 2003. While living in Florida, I had no model railroad. One day, inspired by the efforts documented on the HOn30 Yahoo! group and Carl Arendt's Micro Layouts site, and having been without a model railroad layout for about four years (I dismantled my last layout for a move and just never got started again), I decided to build a micro layout in HOn30 on two A sized pieces of paper, or 11 by 17 inches. This became the Monte Sano Railroad, and its building is documented in the Monte Sano Railroad section of the site. Early in 2005, we moved back to Huntsville, Alabama, and most of my modeling that year was building a Class A Climax in HOn30. See the Climax page (under Motive Power) for the construction. With the Climax pretty much done, a Chivers Baldwin conversion on a Bachman 0-4-0 and an adaptation of an old AHM Baldwin shell to a modern LifeLike chassis followed. See Chivers and AHM Baldwin under Motive Power. In 2006, I made good progress on two new micro layouts. One was based on a challenge posed by Carl Arendt in his "Shoebox Madness" section. I decided to see if one could build an HO scale Inglenook switching puzzle in Carl's shoebox. Later, it progressed to a Dutch canalfront scene. See Shoebox Inglenook. I also planned out and began construction on the Viduta Timber company, a micro logging layout. I'd be remiss if I did not give credit to all the great model railroaders I've "met" via the internet over the past several years. What an amazingly helpful bunch of guys! If you think you'd like to try HOn30, visit the HOn30 and Small Layout Design Yahoo! groups. I've been a fan of the Confederate submarine H. L. Hunley since I was a child. The model of it on the Submarine H. L. Hunley page is a diorama intended to reproduce a contemporary painting of it. I'm also a member of Friends of the Hunley, which supports the ongoing archaeological investigation, preservation, and restoration of the Hunley in Charleston, SC. If you're in the area, the exhibit is well worth the time. Questions or comments? Email me.